We're finally using the internet the way we were meant to. I feel one of the beautiful things that came out of the pandemic was a newfound skill of connecting with each other online. We learned we could host lectures, yoga classes, even birthday parties on zoom! Technology is amazing, and while some things are better left for face-to-face communication, there is no shortage of information, skills or even meditation that can be shared online.

The Yoga Alliance has recently approved online 200 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings to accredit their students online! Have you felt the calling to become a Yoga Teacher? Deepen your own practice? Learn to share meditation and guide others in the ancient practices of discovering Truth. The 200-hr Teacher training modules are anatomy, asana, meditation, pranayama, philosophy (history), and teaching methodology.
But can you really become a certified Yoga Teacher Online? We say, YES! We have to stop comparing online and in-person trainings because they are truly very different things. While an in-person training offers you the hands-on experience - there are some very real pros to online training...
1. Flexibility
If you're anything like me, you struggle with classroom learning. Online learning offers various mediums to learn through - readings, talks, videos, embodies practices etc. It allows us to slow down, take the lessons at our own pace, pause and reflect on mind-blowing teachings, take a break to make a cup of tea, and best of all stay in pyjamas.
Create your own schedule and study the content in a way that works for you. If taking a month out of your schedule to travel and do a teacher training in person won't work for your lifestyle but you feel the call to become a yoga teacher, an online YMTT might be totally right for you.
2. Go at Your Own Pace
Taking an online YMTT removes the aspect of long days of lessons when you really just need a break. You could do one or three or five hours a day, whatever you have time for. Unlimited access to the YMTT content allows students to review and refresh their understanding of a concept throughout and even after the training. Having constant access to the content is an awesome way to return to a lesson that felt powerful to continue to deepen one's understanding.
3. Integration
The BEAUTY of taking an online YMTT is that your yoga & meditation practice becomes naturally integrated into your home-life. The difficulty some students have with in-person month-long trainings, is they have trouble bringing the practices home with them and integrating the new knowledge into their daily life. As you ease into the lessons and the content online, you are absorbing all of it in your own home, in your daily life. It's a natural adoption of yogic habits into your regular life.
4. Community: from the Comfort of Your Own Home
In Anuttara's online YMTT, students have the opportunity to connect bi-weekly for live question & answer sessions with the lead facilitators. As well as connecting bi-weekly for share circles with one mentor. Together the students will gather weekly to practice teaching and review lessons learned. In this way, a natural bond of community builds and no question slides under the radar. Students have the opportunity to connect, question, reflect, understand asanas and bounce ideas off each other. All students are supported throughout the program and are just one email or zoom call away from a facilitator.
5. Cost
Online YMTTs are usually significantly less costly than in-person. Save on the costs of accommodation, food and travel.