The Power of Emotions: Allowing Energy to Flow The word "emotion" comes from the Latin word "emovere," which means "to move out." This is what emotions naturally do. The sensations and experiences of emotions manifest in the body and then they move out. However, many of us have been conditioned to believe that some emotions are bad while others are good. It is through this categorization of our experience as either good or bad that we block energy and emotions from moving.
It is through this categorization of our experience as either good or bad that we block energy and emotions from moving.
For example, if we feel anger but have been taught that this is not an "acceptable" emotion, we may suppress it and prevent ourselves from fully experiencing or expressing it. Alternatively, we may have learned that excitement is a "positive emotion," so when we feel excitement starting to fade, we try to hold onto it instead of allowing it to naturally dissipate. Regardless of whether we grasp or resist the emotion, we inadvertently hinder the natural flow of its energy, preventing it from fulfilling its purpose of release.
When emotions are blocked from moving, they become trapped within us. When energy becomes trapped within the body, it affects us emotionally, mentally, and physically. Unexpressed or suppressed emotions can lead to mental and emotional distress, as well as physical illness. This concentrated energy is also often the source of our feeling of disconnection, creating an invisible barrier between ourselves and the world around us.
When emotions are blocked from moving, they become trapped within us...This concentrated energy is also often the source of our feeling of disconnection, creating an invisible barrier between ourselves and the world around us.
When we have unexpressed emotions coagulated within the body, they cause us to develop habitual ways of holding. It is through these 'habitual holdings' that this sense of identity and separation is perpetuated. We become comfortable with the discomfort of unexpressed energy and identify with the body. We have a false sense of safety as we cling to the sense of 'me' living within the body.
We have a false sense of safety as we cling to the sense of 'me' living within the body.
Tantra is a spiritual path that aims to bring us to total unity with all of life. This is achieved through a profound intimacy with all experiences. When it comes to our emotions, tantra does not want us to transcend or abandon them. Instead, Tantra encourages us to ask ourselves, "How can I be more intimate with this experience?"
One powerful way that tantra invites us to experience intimacy is through embodiment. Embodiment is crucial in the realm of Tantra. From a tantric perspective, embodiment means emptying ourselves of our ego so that we may be filled with grace.
From a tantric perspective, embodiment means emptying ourselves of our ego so that we may be filled with grace.
In Tantra, embodiment refers to the practice of fully inhabiting and experiencing the physical body. It involves moving beyond identification with the ego and connecting with a deeper sense of self. By letting go of the ego, we create space for grace to flow through us. Grace, in this context, can be understood as the divine energy or spiritual power that brings about transformation and liberation.
One of the tantric practices that facilitates embodiment is called 'Hrid-kaya'. This practice invites us to perceive and experience the body not as a separate entity, but as an expression of pure awareness. Rather than identifying with the thoughts and sensations that arise around emotions, we rest in awareness.
When we rest as Pure Awareness, we allow the body to spontaneously self-express and explore. This means that instead of controlling or manipulating our movements, we allow them to arise naturally, guided by our intuition. During a Hrid-kaya practice, individuals may discover themselves moving in unfamiliar ways, expressing themselves through dance, or in various spontaneous postures. This is often arising as previously stuck energy is given permission to release.
When we rest as Pure Awareness, we allow the body to spontaneously self-express and explore. This means that instead of controlling or manipulating our movements, we allow them to arise naturally, guided by our intuition.
Through this intuitive movement, the body releases and restores its natural flow of energy. It helps to dissolve any energetic blockages or tensions that may be present within the body. The practice of Hrid-kaya and other embodiment practices in Tantra can bring about a sense of wholeness, freedom, and deep connection with oneself and the world around. By letting go of our ego and allowing our body to express itself spontaneously, we become receptive to the transformative power of Grace and the natural flow of energy within us.
Emotions are not meant to be stagnant; they are meant to flow through us like a river.
Emotions are not meant to be stagnant; they are meant to flow through us like a river. When we allow emotions to flow freely, we create space for healing, growth, and connection. By understanding emotions as energy and recognizing their impact on our bodies, we can start developing a more harmonious and intimate relationship with our true selves. So, the next time you feel an emotion arise, remember to acknowledge it, allow it to flow, and let the energy move. Embrace the power of emotions and let them guide you on your journey towards wholeness and well-being.